Refund & Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Once the order placed, user cannot cancel the order. It can be returned to us if and only if it satisfies our return policy. Once the item returned refund will be initiated as per the refund policy.

Refund Policy

We accept refund on the following terms:

  1. Items not available which is ordered.
    • The refund will be initiated within 5-10 working days.
  2. Items Sent as Insured and has been Missing.
    • The missing item complaint has to be registered and based on the verification with the shipping company the refund will be processed.
  3. Wrong Items supplied by us.
    • Return and refund has to be initiated within 5 business days from the receipt of material.
    • The refund will be initiated within 5-10 working days from the receipt of item at our store.
    • On verification from our side regarding the wrong supply if any from our stock.
    • Subject to material being returned to us in the same condition dispatched by us and as per the shipping option intimated by us.
  4. As guaranteed by us all items sold are genuine and we verify the same with our experience and ourKnowledge but if any of the items you purchased is found fake will be refunded.
    • The return can be initiated with proper supporting of the product being fake on verification.
    • First have to intimate us with the supporting document of verification and image of the product.
    • We will guide you to return the product after cross checking the documents.
    • We will start the refund within 5 working days from the product being received